Thursday, August 18, 2005

50 cent: Bulletproof preview - interview

Pro-G features a 50 cent : Bulletproof interview with Andre Emerson, the Executive Producer on the game.

Emerson said : "The idea for a 50 Cent game came from Jimmy Iovine (Interscope) and 50 himself. Once we were chosen as the publisher, we went straight to work collaborating with 50 on what type of experience the game should be. Working with 50 has been incredible. He's involved with the look, mechanics, music, story, everything."

Here are some more details about the future 50 cent game called Bulletproof from Emerson:

-The 50 cent game opens with some suspicious events that lead to 50 cent being shot 9 times and surviving. The player will be introduced to the story and game mechanics while playing through this flashback. Once recovered, what would appear to be a classic revenge tales descends into some pretty dark and seedy s**t.

-50's all over the game: the story, game mechanics, graphics, tone, voice over. You name it. The game has an incredible collection of his past, present and new exclusive music and freestyles.

In the end of this interview, Emerson also said:
" 50 Cent: Bulletproof is the ultimate fusion of entertainment. Nowhere else can you get an amazing third-person action shooter, a modern-noir crime classic from Emmy-Award winning, Soprano's scribe, Terry Winter, a cast that includes Eminem, Dr. Dre and G-Unit as well as the largest collection of 50 & G-Unit music and videos. This is entertainment redefined."

Great interview, you can read the 50 Cent: Bulletproof preview interview here


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